Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving

As we near the end of twenty-ten, we can look back and see the strain that the dwindling economy has put on many households this year. This is why, this Thanksgiving I would like to take the time to concentrate on the good in our lives. Blessings can be both BIG and small and no matter who you are, you surely have something to be thankful for this year.
Who does not thank for little will not thank for much. - Estonian proverb
On the top of my list, I am thankful for my loving, supportive husband. I am also thankful for; the roof over our heads, our health, our jobs, the food in our bellies and our family and friends. I am also grateful for our troops who sacrifice being with their families to keep us safe, The Red Cross and other volunteers who helped after the earthquake in Haiti and the cap that stopped the oil leak in the Gulf - Hooray!!

On a less serious note, I am also thankful for; chocolate, comfy clothes, warm blankets and music that touches the soul :)

Now it's your turn, what are ya'll thankful for this Thanksgiving?

<3 The Williams

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